Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year: A 2010 Retrospective

My personal resolutions and resolutions for other empty pocket grads are on their way but first I wanted to talk about the point of New Year's resolutions beforehand.

The point of resolutions is to reflect on what you've done the last year and write down your goals for the upcoming one. I feel like many people skip the first part and sometime the writing part of the resolutions as well! I don't remember my resolutions from last year, which is bad.

But I'm going to take a moment to reflect on 2010 before the clock strikes 12.

1) I can do push-ups again. I ran my first 5k since high school. I can Down Dog. These may sound like little athletic accomplishments but after a injury ridden last five years, I'm thankful to reach them again.

2) I moved across the country. Something that I worked on for the past year was this move. Between working 40 hours a week while finishing school and trying to find my first car, it was a lot of work but it's one of my biggest accomplishments.

3) I produced a documentary. Our turn around time was pretty quick too.

4) I started this blog and found that permanent job. Unfortunately the latter made this blog slightly less exciting. I was hoping to blog about job hunting from the perspective of the disgruntled, unemployed recent grad a bit longer.

5) I overcame my fear of the oven. Now I can make mean mac n cheese, baked ziti, and other casseroles.

6) I cut my cable. This is terribly saddening but I'm saving about $300 a year and still find time to watch my shows (with friends).

7) I moved in and out of three different apartments. Now I'm living with my best friend and roomskie. Unfortunately, this only happened after some ugly verbal spats in the middle edition.

8) Company Softball Champions. Nuff said.

9) Angry Birds. A late entry in 2010 but a very addictive game. The reason I both want and don't want an IPad.

10) I'm a writer. Maybe I need to write more on Empty Pocket Grad but if you include my other projects, I did a lot and loved every bit of it. It's something I'm really passionate about so don't be surprised if you see a quote from yours truly @advicetowriters someday. Modest--I know.


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