Monday, July 25, 2011

My Post Grad Edu-Ma-Cation

Just over a year ago I was back in New York City getting my diploma from NYU. I sat in the rain in Yankee Stadium and looked back on the good times. The good classes. Flashforward to today when I realized I don't learn much anymore.

I barely read. I barely watch the news. 90% of my twitter is personal finance related (@emptypocketgrad) or pop-culture related (@nameyouwillnotknow).

In other words---I'm getting dumb.

And watching this SavvySugar slideshow made me realize it. Though I've learned some life lessons, overall I've stopped educating myself.

But what can I do? I don't have the time or patience for a night class. I also don't have the money now that I'm pursuing personal training.

I've tried signing up for ITunesU courses but there is one fatal flaw---I can't put them on my Ipod. What good is it if I can't listen to a Yale philosophy class on life and death at the gym or on the drive to work?

So now, I'm onto podcasts. I have downloaded a couple--now I just need to turn off Ryan Seacrest and Carson Daly in the morning and listen to them.

Here's what I have so far

1) WritingExcuses. A 15-20 minute podcast hosted by 4 novelist/comic book writers talking about genre, craft, and the profession of writing. They're funny and they always end with a writing prompt (Fact: recently went and wrote all the prompts into a WordDoc to be completed later)

2) CoffeeBreak Spanish/CoffeeBreak French. I do have this goal to learn Spanish one day. But for now, I'm just going to brush up on ma francais.

3) Wait Wait Don't Tell Me. I am a huge fan of this news quiz comedy show and have even been to two tapings in NYC and CT. Unfortunately, this show also highlights my newfound dumbness.

4) NPR's Talk of The Nation. I haven't actually listened to this guy yet but it seems fascinating. Must hit play. Tomorrow.

I used to also listen to KCRW's The Business but it was too job related but if you want to learn about showbiz...they have great interviews.

But that's what I've got for now. Any other suggestions for podcasts? Any other tips you recommend keeping my brain sharp? Please don't suggest sudoku or crosswords--I struggle.


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